Student Perceptions of Active Learning for the Practice of Virtual Human Anatomy, a Study at the Universidad Austral de Chile

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Bucarey Arriagada, S.; Tiznado-Matzner, G.; Barría Carrasco, J.; Urdaneta Machado, J. & Cabezas Oyarzún, X.


In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic it was necessary to reinvent the way of doing practical activities in the human anatomy laboratory and the need for these to be exclusively online, raised the requirement. Due to the impossibility of using organic samples, high-quality images had to be used. Therefore, photographs of dissections from our human anatomy laboratory were used, as well as digitalization of human structures from our laboratory in a three-dimensional (3D) format available on the web platform However, a certain degree of laziness on the part of the students and low participation in the practical activities was detected. To solve this problem, an Active Learning modality was implemented, specifically the Flipped Classroom, so that the students themselves generate their knowledge. Once the teaching-learning process was completed under the new modality, a descriptive study was carried out to detect shortcomings and propose improvements to the methodology applied. The results showed a level of satisfaction above 80 % and only 5 % of the students evaluated the different dimensions as acceptable demonstrating how the Flipped Classroom system was well received by the students. To conclude, it is prudent to generate future studies that help to improve this type of methodology, as well as to continue innovating in didactic strategies that contribute to the understanding of human anatomy.

KEY WORDS: Human anatomy; Active learning; Flipped classroom; Virtual teaching; Perception.

How to cite this article

BUCAREY ARRIAGADA, S.; TIZNADO-MATZNER, G.; BARRÍA CARRASCO, J.; URDANETA MACHADO, J. & CABEZAS OYARZÚN, X. Student perceptions of active learning for the practice of virtual human anatomy, a study at the Universidad Austral de Chile. Int. J. Morphol., 41(5):1474-1479, 2023.