Modified Goldner Trichrome for Non-decalcified Mineralized tissue plastinated and embedded in resin

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Camila Panes; Nikol Ponce; Nicolás E. Ottone; Iván Valdivia-Gandur; Víctor Beltrán; Bélgica Vásquez


Over time, Goldner's trichrome staining has been essential in paraffin soft tissue research. However, its classic application involves prior decalcification, generating disadvantages in the integrity of the samples and the interpretation of results. This study seeks to overcome the limitations associated with decalcification when applying Goldner's trichrome stain with plastic resins. It focuses on detailed visualization of non-decalcified bone and dental samples in animal models. Samples of jaw and tooth from a dog (Canis familiaris) were used, as well as tibia from a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with a titanium dental implant and bone graft substitute. Adjustments were made to the original protocol, including a surface treatment prior to staining. Plastination and inclusion in specific plastic resins were part of the process. The microplastinated and stained samples showed optimal quality for optical microscopy. Those from dogs allowed detailed observation of the tooth-periodontal tissue relationship, while those from rabbits revealed a clear differentiation between mineralized and osteoid bone tissue. The staining made it easy to examine the precise interface between soft tissues, bone graft, and implant. The successful adaptation of Goldner's trichrome stain to specimens in plastic resins represents a significant advance in histological investigation of hard tissues. This methodology stands out as an effective tool to evaluate implants and biomaterials in animal models, providing detailed visualization without compromising the integrity of the samples. The combination of histochemistry and plastic resins offers a valuable alternative for microanatomical studies, opening new possibilities in hard tissue research and evaluation of bone structures.

KEY WORDS: Trichrome staining; Plastic resins; Hard Tissue histology.

How to cite this article

PANES, C.; PONCE, N.; OTTONE, N. E.; VALDIVIA-GANDUR I.; BELTRÁN, B. & VÁSQUEZ, B. Modified Goldner trichrome for non-decalcified mineralized tissue plastinated and embedded in resin. Int. J. Morphol., 42(2):516-524, 2024.