Groove of the Iliopsoas Muscle and its Clinical Relationship with the Hip. A Review

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Pérez Mérida, L.; Lovera, F.; Barría, G. & Olave, E.


The iliopsoas muscle is the main hip flexor being an accessory lateral rotator of this, its fibers run posterior to the inguinal ligament, crossing anterior to the pelvis. This course occurs in a groove located between the iliopubic eminence medially and the anterior inferior iliac spine laterally. Although there are antecedents of this groove, no relevant comments are found in international anatomical terminology (IAT) as a groove within the pelvic bone reliefs. This groove is associated with the tendon in different hip dysfunctions, such as the hip snap (coxa saltans). The objective of the research is to expand the clinical and anatomical knowledge of this groove and its inclusion in international anatomical terminology. Within the inclusion criteria, articles published in Spanish and English were selected that referred to the groove and/or keywords such as "iliopsoas muscle", "iliopsoas muscle", "iliopsoas groove", "coxal groove", "iliopsoas groove". and “iliopsoas muscle” “coxal groove”. The search engines used were Pubmed, Google Scholar and Springer Link. The relevance of the iliopsoas muscle groove gives way to discussions regarding its shape and depth, as well as a point of reference associated with different clinical situations related to this groove and probable predispositions to injuries or snaps that occur in the hip. Finally, knowledge of the groove for the iliopsoas muscle is important to consider in research that addresses this region, as well as its anatomical terminology, anatomical, clinical, and surgical relationships.KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Coxal Bone; Ilipsoas Muscle Groove.

How to cite this article

PÉREZ MÉRIDA, L.; LOVERA, F.; BARRÍA, G. & OLAVE, E. Groove of the iliopsoas muscle and its clinical relationship with the hip. A review. Int. J. Morphol., 42(3):585-588, 2024.