Interactive Atlas of the Canine Brain, Heart and Kidney Created from Plastinated Samples

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Ana Belén Toaquiza; Verónica Alvear; Bryan Velasco; Luis Cartuche; César Morales; César Guanoluisa; Nicolás E. Ottone & María Revelo-Cueva


Currently, training in the field of anatomy requires the implementation of learning and knowledge technologies (TAC). Therefore, the objective of this work was to use digital images taken of plastinated canine brains, hearts, and kidneys to create an interactive atlas that facilitates the teaching-learning of the anatomy of these organs. The research was carried out in 3 phases. In the first, canine brains, hearts and kidneys were obtained using the cold-temperature silicone plastination. In the second stage, photographs were taken, the images were edited with Adobe Photoshop and converted to SVG format using Adobe Illustrator. During the last phase, the 2D atlas was created using MongoDB and Node.js for the backend and Vue.js as the framework for the frontend. In addition, it was used three.js to render the 3D models. As a result, the 'Interactive Canine Atlas', ATINCA, was created. The atlas comprises 27 interactive images and 27 in atlas mode view (28 of the brain, 20 of the heart, and 6 of the kidney). Furthermore, the atlas features 3D models of the three organs. The developed atlas constitutes the first digital tool created in Ecuador based on local institutional needs, including a 3D format. Consequently, ATINCA will be integrated into the curricula as a digital material that will facilitate significant autonomous and collaborative learning of canine anatomical knowledge.

KEY WORDS: Tool; 3D; Silicone; Teaching-learning; Anatomy.

How to cite this article

TOAQUIZA, A. B.; ALVEAR, V.; VELASCO, B.; CARTUCHE, L.; MORALES, C.; GUANOLUISA, C.; OTTONE, N. E. & REVE- LO-CUEVA, M. Interactive atlas of the canine brain, heart and kidney created from plastinated samples. Int. J. Morphol., 42(3):601-606, 2024.