Ulna or Cubitus?: Dissemination of the Correct Terminology for the Educational Community Through the Use of the TikTok Platform

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Núñez-Cook, Samuel & Lizana Pablo A.


The denomination of the "ulna" bone as "cubitus" bone is an error in terminology still observed in anatomy study texts and Chilean school textbooks, even though the term ulna was established as the official term in the 20th century. This problem is a reflection of the slow progressive change in academic communities and the population in general, through the traditional transfer of knowledge. Scientific dissemination allows for accelerating such a process, and in recent years, it has been enhanced through social networks and virtual platforms such as TikTok. Few studies relate the use of TikTok with anatomical learning. This research describes school students' perception of an informative vi- deo on correctly using the term "ulna." It analyzes the possible scope as a complementary activity to anatomical teaching for the school community and society. A TikTok video was developed and published four months before showing it to 17 11th-grade students from Viña del Mar, and then they were asked to complete a perception survey. In addition, statistical data provided by the TikTok platform itself was recorded. The results revealed a favorable reception of the informative content among the participating students, with a high percentage expressing total or partial agreement in all the statements evaluated (up to 82.4 %). The metrics delivered by the platform show an international reach, the main viewers being people from Chile (35.5 %), Mexico (25.3 %), and Colombia (7.2 %). Among the aspects mentioned by the students that need improvement, are the quality of visual editing and the fluency of the explanation. Given thepositive perception obtained from the video, we consider that using these complementary tools can improve human anatomy's teaching and learning processes and broaden our practices' impact on the educational community and society.

KEY WORDS: Social networks; Education; Human Anatomy; Ulna; Cubitus; TikTok.

How to cite this article

NÚÑEZ-COOK, S. & LIZANA, P. A. Ulna or Cubitus?: Dissemination of the correct terminology for the educational community through the use of the TikTok platform. Int. J. Morphol., 42(5):1222-1232, 2024.