Evaluation of Auricular Morphologies of Motorcycle Couriers Based on Helmet Usage Using Photogrammetric Methods

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Mehtap Erdogan; Tuncay Colak; Serap Colak; Ismail Sivri & Emre Kaygin


In recent years, the advancement of technology and the pursuit of time efficiency have increased people's interest in online shopping. Various models of helmets are preferred by motorcycle riders, including those that fully cover the face, only enclose the chin, or are half-faced. However, a common feature in all models is that the earlobes remain within the helmet. Anatomically, considering the possibility of changes in the structure of the auricle (pinna) due to helmet usage and the potential impact on the transmission of sound to the middle ear in the future, our study is designed to identify alterations that may occur in the earlobes of motorcycle couriers as a result of helmet use. Participants in our study were selected from individuals working as couriers. A total of 200 participants, comprising 100 individuals who regularly use helmets and 100 individuals who do not use helmets, were included based on voluntary participation. Individuals with a history of earlobe surgery or auricular anomalies were excluded from the study. The selection criteria for helmeted couriers included a minimum of five years of helmet usage. Morphometric measurements were conducted through a photometric method using a digital camera, which is an indirect measurement technique.The distance between the landmark points marked on the auricle and the attachment distance of the auricle to the head were calculated using the MB Ruler program. According to the statistical analysis of the morphometric data obtained, it was observed that the cymba concha height, as well as the width and height of the auricle, were significantly lower in both the right and left ears of couriers. As a result, it can be speculated that prolonged helmet usage may affect the cartilaginous structure of the ear, thereby altering the distance values between landmark points.

KEY WORDS: Auricle; Ear; Ear Cartilage; Pinna.

How to cite this article

ERDOGAN, M.; COLAK, T.; COLAK, S.; SIVRI, I. & KAYGIN, E. Evaluation of auricular morphologies of motorcycle couriers based on helmet usage using photogrammetric methods. Int. J. Morphol., 42(5):1416-1422, 2024.