Secondary Intestinal Tuberculosis: Morphological Findings in a Fatal Case

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Oscar Tapia E.


Gastrointestinal tuberculosis (TB GI) represents 3-5% of all cases of extrapulmonary TB, studies report that up to 20% of patients with pulmonary TB have extra-pulmonary manifestations. However, the real incidence of intestinal involvement is unknown. The ileocecal region is the anatomical site most frequently affected (85-90%), and colonoscopy is currently the most useful diagnostic tool. Post-mortem morphological elements of the examination of a patient with weight loss and cecal mass are presented. The necropsy performed at the Department of Pathology of the Hospital Hernán Henríquez of Temuco concluded a bilateral pulmonary TB with intestinal and lymph node involvement.

KEY WORDS: Tuberculosis; Gastrointestinal; Intestinal tuberculosis.

How to cite this article

TAPIA, E. O. Secondary intestinal tuberculosis: morphological findings in a fatal case. Int. J. Morphol., 30(1):347-353, 2012.