Cephalometric Evaluation of the Airway Space and Hyoid Bone in Children with Atypical Deglutition: Correlations Study

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Almiro J. Machado Júnior & Agrício N. Crespo


Although there is a close relationship between swallowing and breathing are no studies that relate to atypical swallowing radiographic anatomy of the airway space and its possible correlation with the radiographic position of the hyoid bone. The aim was to evaluate the possible correlation with the radiographic position of the hyoid bone and airway space in lateral radiographs of children with atypical deglutition. Using cephalometric analysis on lateral teleradiographs, the distances of H-MP (hyoid to mandibular plane) and H-T (hyoid to tuber) were Spearman's correlation analysis was performed with PAS (airway space) in two groups: the experimental group with atypical deglutition and the control group normal deglutition. Both groups included subjects in mixed dentition stage. Thevariable T-H had statistically significant correlation with PAS (0.0286) and the variable MP-H had significant correlation with variable PAS (0.0053). Ourresults show that advanced positive correlation of the radiographic position of the hyoid bone to the airway space only in the group of normal swallowing. The lower airway in patients with atypical swallowing, causing changes in tongue posture which leads to change in the position of the hyoid bone.

KEY WORDS: Cephalometry; Atypical deglutition; Oropharyngeal space.

How to cite this article

MACHADO JÚNIOR, A. J. & CRESPO, A. N. Cephalometric evaluation of the airway space and hyoid bone in children with atypical deglutition: correlations study. Int. J. Morphol., 30(1):341-346, 2012.