Distribution Pattern of the Coronary Arteries and Ventricular Branches in the Heart of Ostrich (Struthio camelus)

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Helga Henríquez; Jorge Henríquez & Enrique Olave


We consider it important to know the heart of the ostrich irrigation due to the paucity of research, for which there has been a descriptive study of the distribution pattern of the coronary arteries and their branches ventricular determining the presence, origin, length and distribution of these. We identified ventricular branches, anastomoses, type of dominance and perform a comparison of ostrich heart of mammals and humans. Fifthy hearts were studied ostrich, African Black class, were prepared and injected the coronary arteries with neoprene, with a different color, and treated in 10% formalin for 10 to 12 days for dissection of the arteries and ventricular branches. Coronary arteries of the heart of ostrich originate in the right and left aortic sinuses. The right is at 98%, with an average length of 127.1 mm, runs reaching the coronary sulcus which originates subsinuoso interventricular septal branch in 92% subsinuous also causes the cone branch by 98% and branches ventricular. The left is present in 100%, has an average length of 40.19 mm, branches originating from it are the septal artery paraconal 100%, the circumflex artery 100%, the artery of the cone 96%, a diagonal branch present only in 2%, interventricular artery subsinuous present in 8%, and also presents ventricular branches. Of the anastomosis, at 6% was not found, with 42%, 22% two to three 30%. The most common is between the artery and circumflex interventricular subsinuous present in 42.1%, right dominance, is 56%, the balance of 36% and left dominance only by 8%. It was observed that the surface blood supply at the heart of ostrich, the type of dominance and the large number of superficial anastomosis was resembling the human heart and mammals.

KEY WORDS: Coronary artery; Coronary disease; Heart; Ostrich.

How to cite this article

HENRÍQUEZ, H; HENRÍQUEZ, J. & OLAVE, E. Distribution pattern of the coronary arteries and ventricular branches in the heart of ostrich (Struthio camelus). Int. J. Morphol., 30(3):1013-1018, 2012.