Looped External Iliac Artery ­ a Case Report

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Satheesha Nayak B.; Naveen Kumar; Surekha D. Shetty & Anitha Guru


Variations of the external iliac artery are very rare. We found a rare variation in the left external iliac artery. The artery was long and formed a characteristic loop. The loop was found in the lesser pelvis in close relation to the obturator nerve. This loop may compress obturator nerve and vessels. The knowledge of this loop might be important for gynaecologists, orthopaedic surgeons and urologists since it may be involved in surgeries of hip, ovary and prostate.

KEY WORDS: External iliac artery; Anatomical variation; Loop.

How to cite this article

NAYAK, B. S.; KUMAR, N.; SHETTY, S. D. & GURU, A. Looped external iliac artery – a case report. Int. J. Morphol., 30(3):870- 871, 2012.