Instructions for the Use of MInCiR Scale to Assess Methodological Quality in Prognosis Studies

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Carlos Manterola; Ricardo Cartes-Velasquez & Tamara Otzen


The assessment of methodological quality (MQ) in biomedical research is an area of dynamic development over recent years globally. Understood as a complex and multidimensional construct, several groups have been proposed tools for its evaluation, between them our group has designed and validated scales to assess MQ in therapy, diagnosis and prognosis studies. However, as with other instruments, it is necessary to specify in detail how the measurement is performed. The aim of this article is to provide a guideline for the standardized application of MInCir MQ scale for prognosis studies. A detailed description of the 11 items and 4 domains of the scale, indicating for each of them how to assess and rate the characteristics in primary prognosis articles is presented. This article provides an application guideline that may help to improve interobserver and intraobserver reliability of MInCir MQ scale for prognosis studies.

KEY WORDS: Investigative Techniques; Methods/epidemiology; Methodological studies; Prognosis; Evaluation Studies as Topic; Epidemiologic Studies; Evidence-Based Medicine.

How to cite this article

MANTEROLA, C.; CARTES-VELASQUEZ, R. & OTZEN, T. Instructions for the Use of MInCiR Scale to Assess Methodological Quality in Prognosis Studies. Int. J. Morphol., 33(4):1553-1558, 2015.