Anatomical Description of Crab-Eating Fox' (Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766) Extensor of Digit I and II Muscle

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Juan Fernando Vélez García; Juan Sebastián Echeverry Pérez & Carlos Arturo Sánchez Buitrago


The crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) is the most common wild canid in South America. With a relative demographic stability, this animal is susceptible of being hit and falling into traps, and can suffer trauma in its thoracic limbs; therefore a specific anatomical knowledge about its muscles is necessary for medical and surgical procedures. The main aim of this research was to describe the anatomy of the extensor muscle of digit I and II of the C. thous reporting form, origin, insertion, innervation and irrigation. The forearms of six donated dead specimens from CORPOCALDAS to Caldas University were dissected from superficial to deep. In this research, the extensor muscle of digit I and II showed similar anatomical features to those reported for other species but with a variant tendinous distribution that forms from three to four branches distributed from digit I to III. Although sometimes this distribution does not exist for the digit III; this similar distribution must be reported for procedures which require this knowledge.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Antebrachial; Canidae; Myology.

How to cite this article

VÉLEZ, G. J. F.; ECHEVERRY, P. J. S.; SÁNCHEZ, B, C. A. Anatomical description of crab-eating fox’ (Cerdocyon thous linnaeus, 1766) extensor of digit I and II muscle. Int. J. Morphol., 33(4):1455-1459, 2015.