Occurrence of the Accessory Foramina of the Mandibular Ramus in Brazilian Adults and its Relation to Important Mandibular Landmarks

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Lima, F. J. C.; Oliveira Neto, O. B.; Barbosa, F. T.; Dantas, L. C. S.; Olave, E. & Sousa-Rodrigues, C. F.


SUMMARY: The presence of the Accessory Foramina of the Mandibular Ramus (AFMR) may be related to anaesthetic failures in the inferior alveolar nerve block and complications in the ramus surgeries. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the occurrence of the AFMR in adults and, when present, measure its distance to the Mandibular Foramen (MF), to the Mandibular Lingula (ML) and to the posterior margin of the mandibular ramus (PM), comparing data obtained in both sides of the mandible. Thirty dry human mandibles were selected to the present study. The AFMR was considered as every foramina identified between the MF and the PM. When present, its distance to the MF, to the ML and to the PM was measured. The AFMR was identified in 15 of the 30 examined mandibles (50 %), presenting exclusively on the right side in four cases (13.33 %), exclusively on the left side in other four cases (13.33 %) and simultaneously on both mandibular antimeres in seven of the 30 inspected mandibles (23.33 %). The AFMR is a structure considered as anatomic vari4ation but it was present in one of each two mandibles investigated, with the same occurrence in both mandibular sides. For the cases of occurrence of the AFMR, the professional will be able to locate it in a central position between the MF and the PM, distant about seven millimeters to the MF and 10.50 mm to the ML in both sides of the mandible.

KEY WORDS: Mandible; Mandibular landmarks; Accessory foramina; Anatomical variation.

How to cite this article

LIMA, F. J. C.; OLIVEIRA NETO, O. B.; BARBOSA, F. T.; DANTAS, L. C. S.; OLAVE, E. & SOUSA-RODRIGUES, C. F. Occurrence of the accessory foramina of the mandibular ramus in Brazilian adults and its relation to important mandibular landmarks. Int. J. Morphol., 34(1):330-334, 2016.