Expression of Vimentin and GFAP Protein of Cerebral Cortex and Its Impact on Corticogenesis Disorder as a Result of 2-Methoxyethanol

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Yulia Irnidayanti & Win Darmanto


One of the plastic base material, widely used in the plastics industry in various countries, is a ester phthalate. These compounds will be oxidized in the body to 2-methoxyethanol (2-ME). Effect of 2-ME on human health and the environment depends on the number, duration and frequency of exposure. 2-ME and its metabolites in the body can damage cells and tissues. The body can be exposed by 2-ME through the air, water and soil. Western blot results showed that the protein Vimentin was detectable in the control group at GD-11 to 17, meanwhile GFAP protein was detachable in the control group at GD- 12 to GD-18. After administration 2-ME, the expression of Vimentin protein were changed, and started at GD- 12 up to GD-18. whereas the expression of GFAP protein began at GD- 11 up to GD-17. The Changes on timetable protein expression of Vimentin and GFAP affect corticogenesis disorder. The disorder caused by the existence of these proteins as a result of 2-Methoxyethanol. Disorder of corticogenesis process were sub-plate and cortical plate of the cerebral cortex of fetus brains of mice at GD-18. Generally, it can be concluded that changes in protein expression of Vimentin and GFAP caused by 2-ME. The Vimentin more important during the period of fetal brain development. GFAP and Vimentin is a protein involved in response to damage caused by a teratogenic agent, so that cells in the cerebral cortex, has dedifferentiation.

KEY WORDS: 2-methoxyethanol; Vimentin; GFAP; Cerebral cortex; Brain.

How to cite this article

IRNIDAYANTI, Y. & DARMANTO, W. Expression of vimentin and GFAP protein of cerebral cortex and its impact on corticogenesis disorder as A result of 2-Methoxyethanol. Int. J. Morphol., 31(3):802-808, 2013.