Cranial capacity and brain weight are important measurements in the study of racial/ethnic differences. Using linear (Lee–Pearson’s) formula, brain weight and cranial capacity were estimated in 398 normal 17 to 20-year-old males (200 native Fars and 198 Turkman) males in Northern Iran. The dimensions of the head measured with spreading caliper and auricular head spanner. The mean±S.D of brain weight and cranial capacity in native Fars males were 1343.45±102.37 cm3, and 1390.47±105.95 g, and that of Turkmans were 1163.02±115.76 cm3 and 1203.73±119.81 g, respectively. Cerebral Index was 3.40 ±0.37 % and 2.52 ±0.37 % in Native Fars and Turkmans, respectively and cerebral quotient was higher in Turkmans (8.34) than Native Fars males (7.95). This study showed, the effect of ethnic factor influences the brain weight of 17-20 year-old males in Northern Iran.
KEY WORDS: Anthropometry; Cephalometry; Brain weight; Cranial capacity; Cerebral index; Cerebral quotient; Male; Iran.