Variable Morphology of the Hyoid Bone in Anatolian Population: Clinical Implications - A Cadaveric Study.

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Cem Kopuz & Gürsel Ortug


The variations of the hyoid bone has a great significance for surgical procedures of neck region, and in forensic medicine for evidence of strangulation or hanging, which causes fractures. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological and morphometrical variations of the hyoid bone in Anatolian population. A total of 60 adult larynx specimens (46 male, 14 female) were dissected to identify morphological and morphometrical variations of hyoid. The infrahyoid muscles and thyrohyoid membrane were cut and ligamentous structures of bone were removed. The variations of shape of the hyoid were classified into six types: A (U-shaped) hyoid bone observed in 31.7 % (19 bones), a horseshoe-H-type in 10 % (6 bones), a B-type hyoid in 31.7 % (19 bones), a D-type hyoid in % 15 (9 bones), a V-type bone in % 5 (3 bones) and HK-type bone in 6.7 % (4 bones) of all necks. The breadth, width and major transverse axis were approximately measured as 40.4 mm, 28.4 mm and 33.5 mm, repectively. It has been found that the hyoid bones of Anatolian population had morphologically important differences than in other populations.To understand the anatomical variations and measurements of this bone is of valuable importance with regard to clinical practice and forensic medicine.

KEY WORDS: Hyoid bone; Shape; Variation; Morphometry; Embryology.

How to cite this article

KOPUZ, C. & ORTUG, G. Variable morphology of the hyoid bone in Anatolian population: Clinical implications- A cadaveric study. Int. J. Morphol., 34(4):1396-1403, 2016.