Sectioned Images of a Cat Head to Contribute to Learning of its Sectional Anatomy

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Beom Sun Chung; Min Suk Chung; Seung-Bock Lee; Cheong Youn & Jin Seo Park


The sectional anatomy of a cat head is essential when interpreting CTs and MRIs of the region. In learning the sectional anatomy, sectioned images of a cat could be quite effective data. The main objective was to assist veterinary physicians who learn the sectional anatomy of a cat head by presenting high-quality sectioned images. A short-haired female cat was frozen and sectioned frontally using a cryomacrotome. Every sectioned surface in real body color was photographed with a digital camera. The frontal planes were stacked to produce dorsal and sagittal planes. High-quality sectioned images of a cat head allowed the identification of small, complicated structures. The notable structures were as follows: each bone of the cranium, structures of the brain, tympanic cavity (larger than human), oval window (larger than human), vestibular nerve, cochlear nerve, ear ossicles, six extraocular muscles, pupil (larger than human), retractor bulbi muscle (not found in human), optic nerve, olfactory bulb (considerably large), vomeronasal organ duct (not found in human), infraorbital gland (not found in human), masticatory muscles (larger than human), maxillary nerve (larger than human), and mandibular nerve. This pacesetting report describes the detailed head structures of a cat from the viewpoint of sectional anatomy. The sectioned images will be given to other interested researchers free of charge.

KEY WORDS: Cat; Head; Cross-sectional anatomy; Visible Human Projects.

How to cite this article

CHUNG, B. S.; CHUNG, M. S.; LEE, S.B.; YOUN, C. & PARK, J. S. Sectioned images of a cat head to contribute to learning of its sectional anatomy. Int. J. Morphol., 36(2):537-543, 2018.