Tempeh & Soybean Seed Coat: The Alternative Sources of Trans-Resveratrol as Neuroprotective Agents

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Yulia Irnidayanti & Dias R. Sutiono


Resveratrol is a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol, and a phytoalexin produced by several plants in response to injury or attack by fungi. The underutilization of soybean seed coat (Glycine max (L.) Merrill.) and tempeh, cheap Indonesia fermented food thus opens up a new opportunity for developing a Resveratrol-based medicine for Plants-Derived Neuroprotective Agents purposes. In this study, it was isolated from tempeh, ordinarily well-known as Indonesian soybean fermented food, and soybean seed coat. The finding of this compound was confirmed by TLC and HPLC analysis applying fluorescence detection. From this, the Rf-value for trans-resveratrol is 0.64. As eluent, a mixture of chloroform, ethyl acetate, and formic acid (2.5+1+0.1, v/v) was selected. In addition, retention time for tempeh was 14.467 and for soybean seed coat was 11.977. The extraction yield of resveratrol was 65.15 % in tempeh and 55.35 % in soybean seed coat. Resveratrol isolated from Tempeh and Soybean seed coat gave prevents some reaction by modulating intracellular signaling pathways: protein kinase C (PKC), a family of 12 serine/ threonine kinases and providing a new lead molecule for neuroprotective affects in addition to has prevented cell death by apoptosis.

KEY WORDS: Trans-Resveratrol; Tempeh; Soybean seed coat; Neuroprotective

How to cite this article

IRNIDAYANTI, Y. & SUTIONO, D. R. Tempeh & Soybean seed coat: The alternative sources of trans-resveratrol as neuroprotective agents. Int. J. Morphol., 37(3):1164-1171, 2019.