Hypertrophic Muscular Branch of Radial Recurrent Artery (Leash of Henry), in Relation to the Deep Branch of Radial Nerve. Case Report

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Carreño-Vásquez, Andrés A.


The radial recurrent artery originates at the proximal end of the radial artery and from there ascends obliquely to anastomosing with the radial collateral artery. It gives off several branches for nearby muscles on its path. This artery along with its branches were described (due to its importance in surgical approaches) by Arnold K. Henry as "the radial leash". Currently, in clinical terms, the name "Leash of Henry" is used to refer to one or more muscular branches of the radial recurrent artery, especially when they are in relation to the deep branch of the radial nerve, and may cause compression of the nerve in some cases. A case description of an atypical Leash of Henry was found, found in a Chilean, male cadaveric sample of the anatomy laboratory, Universidad Católica del Maule. The artery corresponds to the branch of greater caliber of the recurrent radial artery, which goes directly to the extensor digitorum muscle. It draws a horizontal path and crosses the deep branch of the radial nerve anteriorly. This finding differs from what was described by Henry and other more recent authors. Therefore, this is potentially useful information when performing surgical procedures that require a posterior or lateral approach to the radius head, as well as radial nerve decompressions in this area.

KEY WORDS: Radial recurrent artery; Leash of Henry; Radial nerve; Elbow.

How to cite this article

CARREÑO-VÁSQUEZ, A. A. Hypertrophic muscular branch of radial recurrent artery (leash of Henry), in relation to the deep branch of radial nerve, Case report. Int. J. Morphol., 38(4):853- 856, 2020.