Morphology of the Pterion in Serbian Population

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Knezi Nikola; Stojsic Dzunja Ljubica; Adjic Ivan; Maric Dusica & Pupovac Nikolina


The pterion is a topographic point on the lateral aspect of the skull where frontal, sphenoid, parietal and temporal bones form the H or K shaped suture. This is an important surgical point for the lesions in anterior and middle cranial fossa. This study was performed on 50 dry skulls from Serbian adult individuals from Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad. The type of the pterion on both sides of each skull was determined and they are calcified in four types (sphenoparietal, frontotemporal, stellate and epipteric). The distance between the center of the pterion and defined anthropological landmarks were measured using the ImageJ software. Sphenoparietal type is predominant with 86 % in right side and 88 % in left side. In male skulls, the distance from the right pterion to the frontozygomatic suture is 39.89±3.85 mm and 39.67±4.61 mm from the left pterion to the frontozygomatic suture. In female skulls the distance is 37.38±6.38 mm on the right and 35.94±6.46 mm on the left. The shape and the localization of the pterion are important because it is an anatomical landmark and should be used in neurosurgery, traumatology and ophthalmology.

KEY WORDS: Morphology; Morphometry; Human skull; Pterion.

How to cite this article

KNEZI, N.; STOJSIC, D. L.; ADJIC, I.; MARIC, D. & PUPOVAC, N. Morphology of the pterion in Serbian population. Int. J. Morphol., 38(4):820-824, 2020.