Anatomical-Functional Characteristics that Guide the Condylar Position in Mandibular Fossa a Centric Relation. Narrative Description

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Constanza Farfán; Bryan Quidel & Ramón Fuentes


The Central Relation (CR) is a concept that de- fines the ideal position of the mandibular condyle in the mandibular fossa. The position has been the subject of much discussion in the literature, noting changes as advancements in knowledge and technology are achieved. Thus, certain essential anatomical elements that are used as a guide for the clinician, are taken into account. The importance of being able to identify this position lies in the correct execution of both diagnostic and treatment procedures in various areas of dentistry. There are anatomical elements of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that improve understanding of the CR concept. These include: Bone condensation of the functional arti- cular surfaces and their fibrocartilage coating; the middle portion of the joint disc, devoid of vessels and nerves. The roof of the mandibular fossa can become extremely thin, so it would not be considered an area to support load; the posterior prolongation of the ar- ticular disc (AD) Which is highly vascularized and innervated. The AD is also closely related to structures such as the temporomandibular or lateral ligament and the superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle. Along with the previously described elements, this would allow proper functioning of the TMJ. The correct learning and use of these concepts contributes to a better exercise in the professional development of students and professionals in the area of dentistry.

KEY WORDS: Centric Relation; Functional anatomy; Temporomandibular joint; Oral physiology.

How to cite this article

FARFÁN, C.; QUIDEL, B. & FUENTES, R. Anatomical- functional characteristics that guide the condylar position in mandibular fossa a centric relation. Narrative description. Int. J. Morphol., 38(5):1281-1287, 2020.