Cadaveric Study of the Cephalic Vein Arch

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Alejandra Masilla; Sofía Mansilla; Andrés Pouy; Alejandra Garretano; Juan Ignacio Améndola; Alejandro Russo & Eduardo Olivera


Within the angio access dysfunctions, the stenosis of the cephalic vein arch (AC) has a significant role. There are anatomical characteristics of AVC that partially explain this phenomenon. This requires a deep understanding of AVC and its main variants. 43 axillary regions of formalin-fixed adult cadavers were dissected. For this study, the following were registered: length of the AVC (LAC), angulation of the AVC with respect to the cephalic vein (AAC), type of termination (single or multiple), presence and number of tributaries. LAC average 31.6 mm (range 17-46 mm); AAC average 128,95° (range 65-165°). Regarding the type of termination, 41 (95.3 %) were simple, while 2 cases (4.7 %) were multiple. Tributaries were found in 42 of the cases (90.5 %). Valves were found in 27 (62.8 %) of the cases. The average length of the AVC was 31.6mm. Most cases presented an obtuse angle, and simple termination. In addition, in 90.5 % tributaries were found and in more than half of the cases valves were found. Implications of these findings in the genesis of angioaccess dysfunction are discussed.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Vein cephalic; Arch; Variation.

How to cite this article

MANSILLA, A.; MANSILLA, S.; POUY, A.; GARRETANO, A.; AMÉNDOLA, J. I.; RUSSO, A. & OLIVERA, E. Cadaveric study of the cephalic vein arch. Int. J. Morphol., 38(5):1229-1234, 2020.