Abdominal Organs: Weight of the Liver, Spleen and Kidneys in Relation to Sex, Ethnic Group, Age and Body Mass Index in Chilean Individuals

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Olave, E.; Torrez, J. C.; Riquelme, N.; Ibacache, L. & Binvignat, O.


The increase of organ weight may be a sign of disease or pathological abnormalities. Several studies have led to the development of tables with standard weights of different organs in various population groups. Based on this premise, we determined the weight of the liver, spleen and kidneys in two groups of Chilean individuals, Mapuche (M) and non-Mapuche (nM) of both sexes and related the results with age and body mass index (BMI). The average weight of the liver in man in relation to age, slightly increases (nM)) or decreases in small percentage (M). However, in women (M) its weight increased by 22.8% in relation to BMI, the average weight of the liver increases in males of both ethnic groups in about a third of the weight recorded in people with BMI 20­25; in women of both groups the weight decreases slightly. Spleen weight in relation to age, decreases by about 4% in men and women from both ethnic (nM) groups, unlike that of Mapuche women (M) where weight increased by 18%. In relation to BMI, spleen weight increased in males of both ethnic groups by about 40%. The kidneys had a slight increase in average weight in both groups. According to BMI, the kidney weights increased in males of both groups. In women (M) the weight is maintained or decreased slightly; in women (nM) both kidneys increase their weight. The data provided in this study will serve as a reference for clinical and surgical anatomy of the abdominal organs of our population.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Abdomen; Weight; Liver; Spleen; Kidneys.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Anatomía; Abdomen; Peso; Hígado; Bazo; Riñones.

How to cite this article

OLAVE, E.; TORREZ, J. C.; RIQUELME, N.; IBACACHE, L. & BINVIGNAT, O. Abdominal Organs: weight of the liver, spleen and kidneys in relation to sex, ethnic group, age and body mass index in Chilean individuals. Int. J. Morphol., 32(4):1311-1315, 2014.