Three-Dimensional Digitalized and Printed Tongue Models of the Cow, Dog, Pig, and Horse for Undergraduate Veterinary Educationh

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Bettina Assis Di Donato; Amilton Cesar dos Santos; Erick Eduardo da Silveira; Helton Carlos Sabino Pereira; Antônio Francisco da Silva Lisboa Neto; Mayla Magalhães de Oliveira Alcobaça &Antônio Chaves de Assis Neto


This study aimed to construct three-dimensional (3D) anatomical models of the tongue of domestic mammals of veterinary interest. The tongues were obtained from the didactic collection of the Laboratory of Veterinary Macroscopic Anatomy in the Surgery Department of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Sao Paulo. Tongues from a cow, dog, horse, and pig were selected for scanning and creation of the 3D-printed models. The printer used a filamentous thermoplastic material, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), which was deposited together with a support resin. In addition to the printing of models, an interactive 3D PDF was generated, creating a didactic collection for students. The anatomical characteristics and peculiarity of the tongues were easily identified in the scanned and printed images. The 3D scanning and printing offered an innovative method of visualizing different anatomical structures and, together with the existing methods, can optimize anatomy teaching in an educational context.

KEY WORDS: Additive manufacturing; Anatomical models; 3D models; 3D printing; Comparative anatomy.

How to cite this article

DI DONATO, B. A.; DOS SANTOS, A. C.; DA SILVEIRA, E. E.; PEREIRA, H. C. S.; LISBOA NETO, A. F. S. ; ALCOBAÇA, M. M. O. & ASSIS NETO, A. C. Three-dimensional digitalized and printed tongue models of the cow, dog, pig, and horse for undergraduate veterinary education. Int. J. Morphol., 39(2):436-440, 2021.