Presence of a Bony Crest in the Proximal Epiphysis of the Tibia. Proposal for its Incorporation in the Terminologia Anatomica

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Juan Pablo Pacheco Muñoz; Rodrigo Alberto Lizama Pérez & Enrique Olave


Anatomical Terminology (AT) presents anatomical structures in a unified language for all structures of the human body. However, there are characteristics such as some bone accidents that have not been considered in the TA updates, whether they are eponyms that have not been related to current terms or classically described structures, as is the case of a characteristic bone that is easily observed and palpated in the proximal epiphysis of the tibia, at the level of the lateral condyle, joining the anterolateral tubercle of the tibia with the tuberosity of the tibia. This characteristic corresponds to a linear elevation, described as the insertion site of the iliotibial tract and the tibialis anterior muscle. Based on the above, 65 tibiae from Chilean individuals, adults, of both sexes, 60 belonging to the Universidad de La Frontera and 5 from the Universidad San Sebastián were analyzed, considering as an inclusion criterion the integrity of the compact tissue in the epiphysis proximal. The review of the samples revealed the presence of a linear elevation in 100 % of the cases, joining the tibial tuberosity with the anterolateral tubercle (Gerdy), not observing similar elevation from the tibial tuberosity in the direction of the medial condyle. This elevation is used as a reference for palpation during knee evaluation. Based on the evidence presented, we consider that this elevation should be considered in TA as one more characteristic of the tibia, based on its linear and elevated disposition, in addition to its oblique direction from the tibial tuberosity to the anterolateral tubercle of the tibia, for what we propose to call it the Crista anterolateralis tibiae (anterolateral crest of the tibia).

KEYWORDS: TerminologiaAnatomica;Anatomy;Ti- bia; Crista anterolateralis tibiae; Iliotibial tract; Tibialis ante- rior muscle.

How to cite this article

PACHECO, M. J. P.; LIZAMA, P. R. A. & OLAVE, E. Presence of a bony crest in the proximal epiphysis of the tibia. Proposal for its incorporation in the Terminologia Anatomica. Int. J. Morphol.,39(2):560-563, 2021.