Anatomical Study of Porotic Hyperostosis in the Eye Orbits: Cribra Orbitalia in the Archaeological Population of Tutuquén, Maule Region, Chile

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Pérez-Riffo, Marcos; Lindner, Cristian & Olave, Enrique


The cribra orbitalia or porotic hyperostosis of the orbital roof is considered a microperforative bone manifestation of hematological pathological conditions, especially iron deficiency ane- mia. This finding is almost exclusively part of studies in archaeological populations. The purpose of this study was to describe the expression of cribra orbitalia in an archaeological population of central Chile. Bone remains of 32 individuals were analyzed, which were obtained from the population of the Tutuquén Cemetery Archaeological Monument, which are deposited in the Regional Museum of Rancagua. In each of the included samples, dating periods, sex, age range, presence v / s absence of cribra orbitalia were evaluated and in the cases in which it was present, its intensity was determined by direct vision with a magnifying lens. The 59.38 % of the individuals presented cribra orbitalia. Of these, 26.32 % were female, 31.58 % male, and 42.10 % undetermined. Of the individuals in the period 10,000 BP, 33.33 % presented cribra orbitalia; of the individuals of the period 7,000 AP, 50 % and of the individuals belonging to the period 1,000 AP, 68.4 %. When classifying the severity of the cribra orbitalia, it was observed that 31.57 % of the individuals had type I; 36.84 % type II; 10.52 % type III; 10.52 % type IV and 10.52 % type V. The data provided will complement the morpho-pathological knowledge of the human eye orbit from the study of archaeological populations.

KEY WORDS: Skull; Anemia; Cribra orbitalia; Por

How to cite this article

PÉREZ-RIFFO, M.; LINDNER, C. & OLAVE, E. Anatomical study of porotic hyperostosis in the eye orbits: Cribra orbitalia in the archaeological population of Tutuquén, Maule Tegion. Chile. Int. J. Morphol., 39(3):721-725, 2021.