Stature Estimation from Radiographic Measurements in Adult Anatolian Population

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Ahmet Kürsad Açıkgöz; Ahmet Cem Erkman; Figen Binokay; Pınar Göker & M. Gülhal Bozkir


The purpose of the present study was to create a regression equation for measuring stature using measurements obtained from the long bone radiographs of adult individuals in Anatolian population. In this study, the maximum length measurements of the six long bones in the upper and lower limbs of 167 healthy individuals were determined from radiographic images. Single and multiple regression equations were created to predict the stature of the individuals from the maximum bone stature. From these equations, the standard error of estimate was determined in the range of 1.68–4.09 cm. As a result of this study, the obtained regression equations resulted in highly reliable and successful results in terms of predicting stature. These equations will provide convenient and predictive accuracy in the estimation of stature from skeletal remains obtained from societies that lived and living in Anatolia. Besides, we anticipate that it will guide researchers working in the fields of Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Medicine and Anatomy.

KEY WORDS: Radiographic measurements; Stature estimation; Regression equation; Length of the long bones.

How to cite this article

AÇıKGÖZ, A. K.; ERKMAN, A. C.; BINOKAY, F.; GÖKER, P. & BOZKIR, M. G. Stature estimation from radiographic measurements in adult Anatolian population. Int. J. Morphol., 39(3):809-815, 2021.