Anatomical Variations of the Hepatic Artery: Vascular Patterns Observed in 140 Cadaveric Donor Livers

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Tomás Cifone; Santiago Lihué Lassalle; Victoria Cristina Serrano Bernárdez; Agostina Roggero; Nicolás Benitez; Verónica Garay & Mariana Bendersky


SUMMARY: The purpose of this article is to analyze the hepatic artery variations observed from the use of cadaveric donor livers for orthotopic transplantation among our population. A retrospective study of a liver transplant cohort including 140 donor livers was conducted between June 2011 and January 2021. The vascular arterial anatomy of the transplanted livers was classified according to Hiatt’s classification system. Classic hepatic artery variant: Type I: 62 cases (65.7 %). Non-classic hepatic artery variants: 48 ca- ses (34.3 %), corresponding to: Type II: 12 cases (8.6 %), Type III: 18 cases (12.9 %), Type IV: 7 cases (5 %), Type V: 10 cases (7.1 %). No case of Type VI variant was identified. One case (0.7 %) not included in Hiatt’s classification was found, corresponding to an accessory left hepatic artery originating from the aorta. Precise knowledge regarding the most prevalent variations, as well as those that are the least common, is fundamental to upper abdominal surgical procedures.

KEY WORDS: Hepatic artery; Liver transplantation; Anatomy; Liver circulation; General surgery.

How to cite this article

CIFONE, T.; LASSALLE, S. L.; SERRANO BERNÁRDEZ, V. C.; ROGGERO, A. ; BENITEZ, N.; GARAY, V. & BENDERSKY, M. Anatomical variations of the hepatic artery: Vascular patterns observed in 140 cadaveric donor livers. Int. J. Morphol., 39(5):1391- 1394, 2021.