Regeneration of the dura mater following duraplasty using a collagen film, a chitosan film, or a combination of both with gelatin, was studied in a craniotomy and penetrating brain injury model in rats. Collagen autofluorescence in the regenerated dura mater was evaluated using confocal microscopy with excitation at λem = 488 nm and λem = 543 nm. An increase in regeneration of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue and an increase in matrix fluorescence were detected at 6 weeks after duraplasty. The major contributors to dura mater regeneration were collagen films, chitosan plus gelatin-based films, and, to a much lesser extent, chitosan-based films. By using autofluorescence densitometry of extracellular matrix, the authors were able to quantify the degree of connective tissue regeneration in the dura mater following duraplasty.
KEY WORDS: Dura mater; Duraplasty; Fluorescence; Densitometry.