Muhammet Bora Uzuner; Asrin Nalbant; Ferhat Geneci & Ebru Turhan
During the Covid-19 pandemic that has marked the last years, while governments tried to control the spread of the virus, many-body donation programs were suspended due to difficulties that could potentially be encountered. Given the low body donation acceptance rates during this period, through this study we aimed to evaluate academics' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in cadaver acceptance and embalming practices during the pandemic. The research population of th estudy consisted of the faculty of 112 universities in Turkey who taught in under graduate and graduate programs in the Anatomy Department in 2020. An electronic questionnaire of 24 items, including demographic data, was distributed to the participants' official e-mail addresses. In addition, support was received from the Turkish Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy Society, whose members were also approached through their official group e-mail accounts. Answers were collected from 78 (39 %) out of 200 academics. The findings of the study were under 5 headings (ınformation about cadaver donation and ımported cadavers, attitude towards ımportation of cadavers and acceptance of body donations, precautions against contagion in ımportation of cadavers and acceptance of body donations and thoughts on their adequacy, considerations for adoption of cadavers for post-graduation education, advice on avoiding contagion in cadaver embalming) were collected and analyzed. The study high lights the importance of cadaver acceptance and embalming practices for medical education to minimally continue in the post-pandemic period. It can also serve as a reference for being cautious when faced with similar situations in the future.
KEY WORDS: Body donations; Imported cadavers; Covid 19; Anatomy education.
UZUNER, M. B.; NALBANT, A.; GENECI, F. & TURHAN, E. Thought, attitudes, and practices of the anatomy departments on receiving and embalming cadavers during the pandemic process. Int. J. Morphol., 40(3):801-807, 2022.