Localization of the Centre of the Highest Region of the Triceps Brachii Muscle Spindle Abundance and its Significance in Muscle Spasticity Block

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Xiaojiao He; Yanrong Li; Jie Wang3; Shuangjiang Hu; Meng Wang & Shengbo Yang


 This study aimed to accurately localize the location and depth of the centre of the highest region of muscle spindle abundance (CHRMSA) of the triceps brachii muscle. Twenty-four adult cadavers were placed in the prone position. The curve connecting the acromion and lateral epicondyle of the humerus close to the skin was designed as the longitudinal reference line (L), and the curve connecting the lateral and the medial epicondyle of the humerus was designed as the horizontal reference line (H). Sihler's staining was used to visualize the dense intramuscular nerve region of the triceps brachii muscle. The abundance of muscle spindle was calculated after hematoxylin and eosin stain. CHRMSA was labelled by barium sulphate, and spiral computed tomography scanning and three- dimensional reconstruction were performed. Using the Syngo system, the projection points of CHRMSA on the posterior and anterior arm surface (P and P' points), the position of P points projected to the L and H lines (PL and PH points), and the depth of CHRMSA were determined. The PL of the CHRMSA of the long, medial, and lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscle were located at 34.83 %, 75.63 %, and 63.93 % of the L line, respectively, and the PH was located at 63.46 %, 69.62 %, and 56.07 % of the H line, respectively. In addition, the depth was located at 34.73 %, 35.48 %, and 35.85 % of the PP' line, respectively. These percentage values are all the means. These body surface locations and depths are suggested to be the optimal blocking targets for botulinum toxin A in the treatment of triceps brachii muscle spasticity.

KEY WORDS: Triceps brachii muscle; Muscle spasticity; Intramuscular nerve; Muscle spindle; Target localization.

How to cite this article

HE, X.; LI, Y.; WANG, J.; HU, S.; WANG, M.; YANG, S. Localization of the centre of the highest region of the triceps brachii muscle spindle abundance and its significance in muscle spasticity block. Int. J. Morphol., 40(4):1100-1107, 2022.