Situs ambiguous and Hepatic Vein Anomaly: A Case Report

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Duygu Vuralli; Sema Polat; Sevgül Köse & Pinar Göker


Situs ambiguous is the placement of vessels and organs in the thoracoabdominal space that are anatomically located outside its normal position in a certain order. This condition is a broad definition that includes many variations. In this case report, we reported a patient with Situs ambiguus with an abnormal hepatic vein who was diagnosed incidentally during medical imaging (computed tomography, sonography and MRI study).

KEY WORDS: Situs ambiguous; Left isomerism; Hepatic vein anomaly.

How to cite this article

VURALLI, D.; POLAT, S.; KÖSE, S. & GÖKER, P. Situs ambiguous and hepatic vein anomaly: A case report. Int. J. Morphol., 40(5):1284-1288, 2022.