Anatomical Variations of Radial and Ulnar Arteries in Plastinated Upper Limbs

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Nicolás E. Ottone; Diego Guzmán; Homero F. Bianchi & Mariano del Sol


Advances in the area of health with the development of new diagnostic and surgical procedures require an increasingly precise knowledge of human anatomy. The diffusion of the variable arrangement of anatomy is essential not only in the field of specialization or postgraduate, but above all, in the undergraduate, from where the specialists will be trained who will later develop these new clinical and surgical practices that will require a solid anatomical background. This is why the correct application of anatomical techniques in anatomical samples is essential for this undergraduate teaching to be developed efficiently, plastination having a fundamental role in this regard. The aim of this work was to report the discovery of anatomical variations in the upper limbs of a human sample subjected to the plastination process to promote, on one hand, the importance of anatomical knowledge in undergraduate, postgraduate and specialties, as well as the relevance of long- term preservation of biological material for the continued dissemination of anatomy.

KEY WORDS: Anatomical variations; Plastination; Radial artery; Superficial ulnar artery.

How to cite this article

OTTONE, N. E.; GUZMÁN, D.; BIANCHI, H. F. & DEL SOL, M. Anatomical variations of radial and ulnar arteries in plastinated upper limbs. Int. J. Morphol., 41(2):548-554, 2023.