Articulated Language Area, Historical Perspective and Erroneous Epomy: Between Dax and Broca

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Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra; Juan David Marulanda Galvis & Jeferson Gabriel Chavez


The eponymous Broca's area is a human ce- rebral cortical region that controls the expression of oral language, and which is not always located in the inferior frontal gyrus of the frontal lobe in the left hemisphere. In a study of 25 articles published in 2022, and 25 teaching books on neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuroscience or associated areas, it was found that the term Broca's area was established and quantified. In books there was a 96 % eponymous inclusion of this cerebral cortical area and in journal articles there was 100 % of the same eponym. Furthermore, no other eponyms were found in any of the books and articles. Although over time, eponyms have been used in medical sciences to identify anatomical structures, as in the designation of the area in the brain that controls oral language, this term does not provide any descriptive or functional information. The result is contradictory to current morphological thought and also leads to confusion, erroneously suggesting that the initial discovery was made by Bro- ca, when in fact Marc Dax was the first to discover this area some 30 years earlier.

KEY WORDS: Anatomical terminology; Broca’s area; Eponyms; History; Neuroanatomy.

How to cite this article

DUQUE, P. J. E.; MARULANDA, G. J. D.; CHAVEZEL, J. G. Articulated language area, historical perspective and erroneous epomy: Between Dax and Broca. Int. J. Morphol, 41(2):910-914, 2023.