Investigation of the Neuro-Regenerative Effects of Bioresonance and Magnetotherapy in Sciatic Nerve Damage-Induced Rats

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Abdurrahim Tas; Kemal Alp Nalci; Suat Sincan; Hülya Özdemir; Ramazan Üstün; I ̇brahim Aras; Ege Çatalkaya; Ayse Seker; Abdurrahman Aycan; Nur Aycan; Görkem Tutal Gürsoy & Mehmet Cudi Tuncer


Peripheral nerve damage is a significant clinical problem that can lead to severe complications in patients. Regarding the regeneration of peripheral nerves, it is crucial to use experimental animals' nerves and use different evaluation methods. Epineural or perineural suturing is the gold standard in treating sciatic nerve injury, but nerve repair is often unsuccessful. This study aimed to investigate the neuroregenerative effects of magnetotherapy and bioresonance in experimental animals with sciatic nerve damage. In this study, 24 female Wistar rats were divided into 7 groups (n=6) as follows: Group 1 (Control), Group 2 (Axonotmesis control), Group 3 (Anastomosis control), Group 4 (Axonotmesis + magnetotherapy), Group 5 (Anastomosis + magnetotherapy), Group 6 (Axonotmesis + bioresonance), Group 7 (Anastomosis + bioresonance). Magnetotherapy and bioresonance treatments were applied for 12 weeks. Behavioural tests and EMG tests were performed at the end of the 12th week. Then the rats were sacrificed, and a histopathological evaluation was made. The statistical significance level was taken as 5 % in the calculations, and the SPSS (IBM SPSS for Windows, ver.21) statistical package program was used for the calculations. Statistically significant results were obtained in animal behaviour tests, EMG, and pathology groups treated with magnetotherapy. There was no statistically significant difference in the groups treated with bioresonance treatment compared to the control groups. Muscle activity and nerve repair occurred in experimental animals with acute peripheral nerve damage due to 12 weeks of magnetotherapy, and further studies should support these results.

KEY WORDS: Bioresonance; EMG; Magnetotheraphy; Nerve regeneration; Sciatic nerve.

How to cite this article

TAS, A.; NALCI, K. A.; SINCAN, S.; ÖZDEMIR, H.; ÜSTÜN, R.; ARAS, I.; ÇATALKAYA, E.; SEKER, A.; AYCAN, A.; AYCAN, N.; GÜRSOY, G. T. & TUNCER, M. C. Investigation of the neuro-regenerative effects of bioresonance and magnetotherapy in sciatic nerve damage-induced rats. Int. J. Morphol., 41(4):1184-1190, 2023.