Cierre Temprano vs Estándar de Ileostomía en Asa. Estudio de Casos y Controles no Emparejado

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Carlos Manterola & Nataniel Claros


Early closure of a loop ileostomy (ECI) is a relatively new practice, for which there is insufficient evidence regarding its effectiveness in relation to closure at conventional times. The aim of this study was to report postoperative complications (POC) and hospital mortality in patients with loop ileostomy (LI) who underwent ECI, compared with patients with LI who underwent late closure. Un- matched case-control study. Patients with LI who underwent surgery at Clínica RedSalud Mayor Temuco (2010-2022) were included. Cases were defined as patients with LI who underwent early closure and controls as subjects who underwent closure at the usual times. No matching was performed, but a 1:1 relationship between cases and controls was considered. Outcome variables were postoperative complications and hospital mortality. Other variables of interest were surgical time and hospital stay. Descriptive statistics were applied with calculation of proportions and measures of central tendency. Subsequently, t-test and Pearson Chi2 for comparison of averages and proportions was applied, and odds ratios and their respective 95 % CI were calculated. In this study 39 patients with AI were operated on (18 cases and 21 controls). Age and BMI average of the studied subjects was 71.3±7.1 years and 27.3±19.8 kg/m2 respectively. Mean LI closure time, surgical time, and hospitalization were: 10.0±0.7 months; 62.5±10.6min; 3.8±0.1 days respectively. POC were only surgical site infections. Three in cases (16.7 %) and 3 in controls (14.3 %). No anastomotic dehiscence or hospital mortality was observed in either cases or controls. There were no differences in comorbidities or surgical site infection between cases and controls (OR of 0.6 and 1.2 respectively) In this experience, the results of performing the CTI were similar to the late closing in relation to the variables studied.

KEY WORDS: "Ostomy"[Mesh]; "Surgical Stomas"[Mesh]; "Ileostomy"[Mesh]; Loop ileostomy; "Postoperative Complications"[Mesh]; "Hospital Mortality"[Mesh]; "Case-Control.

Como citar este artículo

MANTEROLA, C. & CLAROS, N. Early vs. standard loop ileostomy closure: An unmatched case-control study. Int. J. Morphol., 41(6):1863- 1869, 2023.