Sex Determination in the Contemporary Chilean Population by Mandible Analysis in Panoramic Radiographies

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Naira Figueiredo Deana; Ignacio Labarca; Hector Torres; Ivonne Garay & Nilton Alves


Sex identification of a deceased human individual by means of the mandible is very important for forensic dentistry. The aim of the present study was to determine the sex of Chilean individuals by mandible analysis in panoramic radiographies. Linear and angular parameters of the mandible were analyzed from panoramic radiographies (PR). The study included PR of adult Chilean individuals, of both sexes, with optimum solution and contrast, and which allowed the angles and rami of the mandible to be viewed. Sex was determined by univariate and bivariate discriminant function analysis. The sample consisted of 594 PR of individuals aged between 18 and 84 years. The best sex predictor using univariate discriminant function analysis was the mandibular ramus height (MRH) (74.1 %), followed by the distance from the mental foramen – mandibular base (DMF-MB) (69.1 %) and the bicondylar breadth (BC) (66.7 %). The parameters that presented the lowest sex prediction were the angle of the mandible (AM) with 55.0 % and the distance between mental foramina (DMF) with 53.7 %. The best sex prediction was obtained by the step model of discriminant function analysis (80.2 %), including only three parameters: MRH, BC and DMF-MB. The parameters height of the mandibular ramus, bicondylar breadth and distance from the mental foramen – base of the mandible are good predictors of sex in Chilean individuals when used in conjunction; they are therefore indicated for sex determination in the contemporary Chilean population.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Mandible; Panoramic radiography; Sex estimation.

How to cite this article

DEANA, N. F.; LABARCA, I.; TORRES, H.; GARAY, I. & ALVES, N. Sex determination in the contemporary Chilean population by mandible analysis in panoramic radiographies. Int. J. Morphol., 41(6):1660-1665, 2023.