Comparative Study of Cranial Capacity of the Non-tribal with Korku Tribal Population of Madhya Pradesh, India

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Vineet Kumar Gohiya; Sudha Shrivatava & Sarita Gohiya


Knowledge of cranial capacity is useful in differentiation of racial and sexual differences, which indirectly reflects the brain volume in different populations. Most of these studies have been done on the dry skulls using linear dimensions. Only few studies have been done on living subjects. The aim of this study was to compare cranial capacity of particular age group of Korku tribe & Non-tribal population of Madhya Pradesh a state of India. This study was carried on 800 healthy volunteer of 20 - 25 year-old age group (in which each 400 males and females) in Korku tribe and Non-tribal population of Madhya Pradesh state of India, by using linear dimensions of head (Lee Pearson's formula). The mean cranial capacity and SD in Non-tribal males and Non-tribal females were 1380.5 ± 94.6 cc and 1188.7 ± 91.1 cc, respectively. The mean cranial capacity and SD in Korku males and Korku females were 1212.2 ± 62.0 cc and 1047.4 ± 72.4, cc respectively. This study has shown a significant (p<0.05) difference between the same gender populations of Korku tribe and Non-tribal population, with the absolute values being higher in Non-tribal group than in Korku tribe group.

KEY WORDS: Anthropometry; Cranial capacity; Skull; Sex; Tribe.

How to cite this article

GOHIYA, V. K.; SHRIVATAVA, S. & GOHIYA, S. Comparative study of cranial capacity of the Non-tribal with Korku tribal population of Madhya Pradesh, India. Int. J. Morphol., 30(1):263-265, 2012.