Optimization of broodstock management to increase the production of eggs and larvae of Psetta maxima (Linneaus, 1758) (Turbot)

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Renzo Pepe-Victoriano; Miguel Araya; Víctor Faúndez & Manuel Rodríguez


The optimal culture conditions in broodstock management of Psetta maxima allow obtaining better quantity and quality of eggs and viable larvae, increasing the production. In order to evaluate the optimal conditions the specimens kept under culture conditions were used, in a period of 3-24 months of life, thus forming a broodstock stock. At the end of the experiment, the eggs in the experimental tanks resulted circular and transparent, as well as newly hatched larvae that were straight and well pigmented, signs of a good quality of eggs and larvae. Changes in the male-female and density ratio were the assessed variables, reaching satisfactory results per productive period of females and better quality and quantity of eggs and viable larvae during the period of four years. The mortality rate of broodstock in spawning and post-spawning period decreased significantly. Statistically there were no significant difference between experimental and control tanks. From the third year, egg and larvae production in experimental tanks showed an increase of about 90% for eggs, and 60% for larvae. In the last two years the percentage of harvested larvae in these tanks showed an increase of 7 % to 12 % for sown larvae and a decrease of 9 % to 13 % for eliminated larvae, mostly in tank 4.

KEY WORDS: Turbot; Eggs of fish; Larvae of fish.

How to cite this article

PEPE-VICTORIANO, R.; ARAYA, M.; FAÚNDEZ, V. & RODRÍGUEZ, M. Optimization of broodstock management to increase the production of eggs and larvae of Psetta maxima (Linneaus, 1758) (Turbot). Int. J. Morphol., 31(3):873-878, 2013.