Muscle Mass Estimation and Comparison by Segment, in Young Chilean Athletes

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Fernando Javier Rodríguez Rodríguez; Héctor Ismael González Fuenzalida; José Luis Cordero Ortiz; Sebastián Lagos Nieto; Rodrigo Antonio Aguilera Tapia & Fernando Omar Barraza Gómez


The aim of this study was to determine and compare by anthropometric methods, the body composition of elite young Chilean athletes, who were part of the 2011 national team in different sports. Four groups of elite young athletes were evaluated, with a total number of 92 individuals belonging to the wrestling, weightlifting, basketball and football disciplines. The muscle mass of the upper extremities (MMES) is higher in basketball players and bodybuilders with 7.49 (±1.25) and 7.50 (±2.54) kg respectively, when compared with players who scored an average of 5.27 (±0.37) kg. Moreover, wrestling has an average muscle mass of 6.46 (±1.50) kg which is below that of basketball players and bodybuilders, because the use of upper limbs is less than in disciplines mentioned above, but in turn, is greater than that of football players. No significant differences in total muscle mass are reported, however, there are marked differences in muscle mass segment. We concluded that the estimate of total muscle mass is not sufficient basis to determine and predict athletic performance of the subjects. Muscle mass segment on the other hand, provides a better comparison range for the way in which this component is distributed among different sports disciplines, improving specific knowledge and information.

KEY WORDS: Body composition; Total muscle mass; Muscle mass segment.

How to cite this article

RODRÍGUEZ, R. F. J.; GONZÁLEZ, F. H. I.; CORDERO, O. J. L.; LAGOS, N. S.; AGUILERA, T. R. A. & BARRAZA, G. F. O. Muscle mass estimation and comparison by segment, in young Chilean athletes. Int. J. Morphol., 32(2):703-708, 2014.