Clinical Adaptation According to Anatomical Types of Nasal Septum

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Junwoo Jin; Chung-Hwi Yi & Hyo Seok Park


The purpose of this study was to inform the anatomical types of the nasal septum of which including variations by dissection and to provide guidelines for clinical adaptation. For this purpose dissections were performed on 70 nasal septums of formalin fixed Korean adult cadavers (20 males, 11 females, and 39 of unknown sex) with an age at death of 13-105 years. The septal deviation was checked before midsagittal section the nasal cavity with the aid of a laryngoscope. The mucosa on the nasal septum was then removed to observe the morphology of the nasal septum. The shape of each component of the nasal septum was identified, and photographs were taken from a midsagittal plane. This study has discovered various anatomical types of the nasal septum and its variations. The correlations between septal types according to their proportions were also analyzed. The results reported herein provide detailed anatomical knowledge that can be used as a valuable reference for rhinoplasty procedures.

KEY WORDS: Anatomical types; Nasal septum: Korean cadaver; Midsagittal plane; Rhinoplasty.

How to cite this article

JIN, J. W.; YI, C. H. & PARK, H. S. Clinical Adaptation according to anatomical types of nasal septum. Int. J. Morphol., 41(5):1439- 1444, 2023.