Effects of a Free Electronic Book on Systemic Anatomy with Schematics on Student Learning

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Dong Sun Shin; Eunji Seo; Kyung Yong Kim & Beom Sun Chung


For students in schools of nursing, health sciences, and premed, a systemic anatomy textbook with minimized contents, schematics, and mnemonics may be helpful for learning an otherwise often unappealing subject. In this study, we assess the educational effect of such a textbook. Schematic drawings, anatomy comics, and easily readable text were generated for the chapters of the book (e.g., skeletal system, articular system). The book was presented without charge via a webpage (anatomy.co.kr). Nursing students who were exposed to the book and those who were not exposed were compared; a survey was administered to those who were exposed. The students who read the presented textbook were more knowledgeable than those who used other textbooks. Hours spent reading the presented textbook and scores of fill-in-the-blank questions were positively correlated. In general, the students replied that the presented textbook was helpful for learning systemic anatomy. The systemic anatomy textbook accompanies preexisting textbooks in regional anatomy, neuroanatomy, and the histology, all of which are written by the same authors. We suggest anatomy instructors generate their own books with unique style to enrich the student learning process.

KEY WORDS: Systemic anatomy; Learning; Illustrated books; Cartoons; Internet; Nursing students.

How to cite this article

SHIN, D. S.; SEO, E.; KIM, K. Y. & CHUNG, B. S. Effects of a free electronic book on systemic anatomy with schematics on student learning. Int. J. Morphol., 41(6):1909-1914, 2023.