Anatomical and Ultrasonographic Analyses of the Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi Muscle at the Level of the Nasal Ala

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Hyun Jin Park & Mi-Sun Hur


We aimed to determine the width of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle (LLSAN) at the level of the nasal ala through cadaveric dissections and ultrasonography (US), to provide essential anatomical information for use during both invasive and noninvasive procedures in the nasal ala region. The LLSAN was investigated in the 40 hemifaces of 20 Korean cadavers, comprising 10 males and 10 females with a mean age of 73.6 years. The LLSAN width of the 40 specimens at the level of the midpoint of the nasal ala was 5.02±2.35 mm (mean±standard deviation), and ranged from 1.45 mm to 10.11 mm. The LLSAN widths were 5.96±2.36 mm and 3.93±1.89 mm in males and females, respectively, with ranges of 2.40–10.11 mm and 1.45–6.96 mm, respectively. The LLSAN widths on the left and right sides were 4.77±2.72 mm and 5.26±1.99 mm, respectively. The proportions of the LLSAN fibers inserting into the nasal ala and upper lip were similar in 13 specimens (32.5 %), while more fibers inserted into the nasal ala in 11 specimens (27.5 %) and more fibers inserted fibers of the LLSAN into the upper lip in 16 specimens (40 %). When clinicians need to target or avoid the LLSAN, the present width and range data can be helpful for ensuring the efficacy and safely of both invasive and noninvasive procedures. In addition, the possibility of asymmetry in the width of the LLSAN in the nasal ala region should be confirmed by US before performing such procedures.

KEY WORDS: Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle; Nasal ala; Upper lip.

How to cite this article

PARK, H. J. & HUR, M. S. Anatomical and ultrasonographic analyses of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle at the level of the nasal ala. Int. J. Morphol., 42(1):35-39, 2024.