Teaching of Human Anatomy at the Universidad Austral de Chile: Past, Present and Future

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José Ramón Urdaneta; Sandra Bucarey-Arriagada; Gonzalo Tiznado-Matzner; Pedro Christian Aravena & Ximena Cabezas


This narrative review tries to characterize how the anatomy teaching process has been carried out at the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), presenting a historical vision from the beginnings of the University to the present time and a reflection on the future of Human Anatomy. The origins of the Human Anatomy Institute at the UACh, first academics, institutional achievements, inter-institutional agreements are described; in addition, the educational methods and strategies currently used for anatomical teaching are detailed and a panoramic vision of the future as a teaching and research institute in the field of human anatomy is presented.

KEY WORDS: Human anatomy; Teaching; History of anatomy; Universidad Austral de Chile.

How to cite this article

URDANETA, J. R.; BUCAREY-ARRIAGADA, S.; TIZNADO- MATZNER, G.; ARAVENA, P. C. & CABEZAS, X. Teaching of human anatomy at the Universidad Austral de Chile: Past, present and future. Int. J. Morphol., 42(1):86-92, 2024.