Unusually Pronounced and Expansive Mandibular Foramen. A Incidental Radiological Finding

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Sanjay C. J.; Karthikeya Patil; Jaishankar H. P. & Varusha Sharon Christopher


The mandibular foramen and its canal are one of the most important structures in the skull, as they solely supply the mandible through their associated nerves and vessels. Many anatomical variations have been reported in the literature until now, and this case report represents a clear-cut appearance of its shape in a panoramic radiograph, which is not mostly seen in normal panoramic radiographs. These factors are of utmost importance when it comes to performing various surgeries and preventing complications due to their varied anatomy, which will allow dentists to create a better treatment plan and provide better treatments without any complications.

KEY WORDS: Mandibular foramen; Panoramic Radiography; Cone Beam Computed Tomography; Incidental Finding; Anatomic Variation.

How to cite this article

SANJAY C. J.; PATIL, K.; JAISHANKAR, H. P. & CHRISTOPHER, V. S. Unusually pronounced and expansive mandibular foramen. A incidental radiological finding. Int. J. Morphol., 42(3):549-553, 2024.