Morphogens During Embryonic Development of Vertebrates

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Mariana Rojas; Iskra A. Signore & Roberto Mejías


During embryonic development, cells in many tissues differ according to the positional information that is set by the concentration of morphogen gradients. These are signaling molecules that are secreted in a restricted region of a tissue and diffuse away from their source forming a concentration gradient. Morphogens generally act at different development stages in an organism and cause different reactions in cells depending on their history of differentiation. The best known example of morphogens are members of growth factor beta (TGF-beta), Hedgehog(Hh), and Wnt families or microRNAs.

KEY WORDS: Morphogen; Gradient morphogens; Neural tube; Somites; Embryonic development.

How to cite this article

ROJAS, M.; SIGNORE, I. A. & MEJÍAS, R. Morphogens during embryonic development of vertebrates. Int. J. Morphol., 32(1):319- 326, 2014.