Root Canal Treatment of Mandibular First Premolar with 3 Canals: A Case Report

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Llanira Arévalo; Gonzalo H. Oporto; Priscila Chuhuaicura & Cynthia Rodríguez-Niklitschek


The mandibular first premolar is commonly a single-rooted tooth with occasional presentation of radicular variations. This tooth usually has one root with only one canal (97.9 %). Presence of three canals is very rare. Anomalies may appear during odontogenesis which can lead to anatomical variations in teeth. Similarly, these variations may be associated with characteristics that can be attributed to specific population groups. Due to their low frequency, these additional canals can easily be missed. For this reason, a meticulous knowledge of tooth morphology and their possible anatomical variations are necessary, and the presence of extra roots and canals should be always considered before initiation of root canal treatment. Additionally, different radiographs and appropriated access cavity preparation is needed to ensure a success endodontic treatment. This article reports a diagnosis and endodontic treatment of a mandibular first premolar with three canals.

KEY WORDS: Endodontic treatment; Mandibular first premolar; Root canal morphology.

How to cite this article

ARÉVALO, L.; OPORTO, G. H.; CHUHUAICURA, P.; RODRÍGUEZ-NIKLITSCHEK, C. Root canal treatment of mandibular first premolar with 3 canals: a case report. Int. J. Morphol.. 42(3):756-760, 2024.