Clinical, Radiographic, and Histological Changes in Enamel and Dentin, According to Caries Care InternationalTM Evaluation, in Permanent Posterior Teeth: An Observational Study

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Ángela Sofia Gaviria-Delgado; Gisela Margarita Pulido-Patrón; Gustavo Sinisterra; Maria Cristina Arango-De-la-Cruz; Adriana María Herrera-Rubio; Juan Diego Campo; Bruno Gutiérrez3; Carlos Humberto Martínez-Cajas & Carlos-Humberto Valencia-Llano


CariesCare International TM practical guide is a tool for the comprehensive assessment and treatment of caries that synthesizes clinical and radiographic diagnosis and risk factors, classifying the severity, progression, and activity of lesions. The objective of this study was to analyze the validity and prediction characteristics of the proposed dental caries classification in the CariesCare International TM practical guide as a reference through clinical and radiographic evaluation versus histological evaluation. Ninety-seven permanent posterior teeth were evaluated, and clinical and radiographic diagnoses were determined according to parameters defined in the CariesCare International TM guide as a reference. Subsequently, histological evaluation was performed to compare each stage of dental caries progression, and statistical analysis was applied. When comparing the validity and prediction values between radiographic and clinical diagnoses in relation to histological evaluation, a low sensitivity and high specificity relationship was found. The sensitivity and specificity percentages between the clinical and radiographic methods show that the clinical method has a lower number of false negatives. Histological changes in dental tissue were evident from the earliest stages of lesions, even in those not related to the caries process, indicating that the dentist should be careful when deciding on a treatment plan and take into account all variables involved in the caries process, as proposed by the CariesCare International TM guide.

KEY WORDS: Dental caries, Teeth, ICDAS, CariesCare International, Diagnosis.

How to cite this article

GAVIRIA-DELGADO, A. S.; PULIDO-PATRÓN, G. M.; SINISTERRA, G.; ARANGO-DE-LA-CRUZ, M. C.; HERRERA- RUBIO, A. M.; CAMPO, J. D.; GUTIÉRREZ, B. & MARTÍNEZ-CAJAS, C. H. & V ALENCIA-LLANO, CARLOS-HUMBERTO. Clinical, radiographic and histological changes in enamel and dentin, according to caries care internationalTM evaluation, in permanent posterior teeth: An observational study. Int. J. Morphol., 42(3):866-870, 2024.