Anatomical Model of the Heart for Learning of Human Gross Anatomy

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Andrea Rosero-Quiroz; Sonia Osorio-Toro & Alejandro Rodríguez-Campo


Human Macroscopic Anatomy (MHA) is the foundation of clinical knowledge for health professions. Its learning involves understanding the spatial location of body structures, the anatomical reference position, international anatomical terminology and the literacy involved in its study. The objective is to promote an understanding of the AMH through an anatomical and interactive model, which in this case is exemplified by the heart and its adjacent structures. For the proposal for the development of the anatomical model, seven phases were adopted: identification of a deficiency, search for a possible solution, definition of an objective for the construction of an anatomical model, in-depth theoretical review, proposal for creation with graphic design software, search and selection of materials and preparation of a guide for the construction of the manipulable anatomical model in 360°. Software was exported to an easy-to-print two-dimensional polygonal format, then the materials were chosen; Finally, the 360° anatomical model was assembled and the respective guides were prepared. The construction of anatomical models that are three-dimensional, favors the Teaching- Learning (E-L) processes by involving the student in building their knowledge, thereby allowing them to observe, identify, differentiate and spatially locate the anatomical structures through artistic pieces.

KEY WORDS: Artistic Anatomy; Learning; Heart; Teaching, Anatomical models.

How to cite this article

ROSERO-QUIROZ, A.; OSORIO-TORO, S. & RODRÍGUEZ- CAMPO, A. Anatomical model of the heart for learning of human gross anatomy. Int. J. Morphol., 42(5):1288-1294, 2024.