Performances of Different Classification Algorithms in Sex Determination from First Cervical Vertebra Measurements

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Seda Sertel Meyvaci; Handan Ankarali; Duygu Göller Bulut & Betül Taskin


In the present study, it is aimed to reveal the performances of different classification algorithms in sex determination from first cervical vertebra, that is, atlas measurements. The classification success of 4 different machine learning algorithms was comparatively examined for the purpose of sex determination by evaluating 22 atlas measurements on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of 145 female and 145 male adults. Logistic regression (LR), classification and regression tree (CART), support vector machine (SVM) and neural network (NN) algorithms were used for sex diagnosis. Area under the ROC curve (AUC), classification accuracy (CA), F1-ratio, Precision and Recall indexes were used for model performances. Except for 2 measurements, there was a significant difference between men and women in terms of 20 other parameters (p<0.05). The adjusted effects of these parameters on sex determination were examined with multivariate models and algorithms, and the success of all 4 algorithms was quite good. The success of the NN algorithm (Accuracy 91.3 %; 0.87 Specificity, 0.85 Sensitivity) in correctly classifying male and female was the highest, followed by the LR algorithm (Accuracy 90.9 %; 0.86 Specificity, 0.83 Sensitivity). It was found that the machine learning algorithm applied to the variables of the atlas gave high accuracy regarding sex and the NN model was highly effective in sex determination. In addition, a large morphometric database of atlas was presented in our results.

KEY WORDS: Atlas; Cone beam computed tomography; First cervical vertebra; Sex determination; Machine learning algorithms.

How to cite this article

SERTEL MEYVACI, S.; ANKARALI, H.; GÖLLER BULUT, D. & TASKIN, B. Performances of different classification algorithms in sex determination from first cervical vertebra measurements. Int. J. Morphol., 42(5):1439-1445, 2024.